Thermo Scientific Orion 2-3-4-5 Star[6 Jul. 2008, 23:56:45]
Benefits and Features
The Orion 3-Star, 4-Star and 5-Star meters have been upgraded to include enhanced features and functions. Additional
features include:
� Autosampler compatibility�
High sample throughput system is
now available by pairing the Orion
3-, 4- or 5-Star benchtop meter
with the Thermo Scientific Orion
AutoTration-500 autosampler.
� Increased accuracy� Improved
stability algorithm to increase
calibration and measurement
� Additional datalog and security
options� Increased datalog points;
prints average slope, segment slope,
DO slope and last 10 calibrations; and
offers individual method passwords.
� New functions� More options
for improved temperature, DO and
conductivity measurements.
With all the features you expect from
Star meters plus new enhancements, the Orion 3-, 4- and 5-Star meters deliver the quality, reliability and convenience that your laboratory demands.
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